Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Psycho T And UNC #1 In All Polls

Once again another Roy Williams team is ranked #1 in the beginning of the season and WILL NOT finish in that spot. I dont know what it is about Roy Williams, but his teams, amazing on paper are sometimes as soft as the paper those amazing stats are on. I mean at one point at Kansas he had Jacque Vaughn, PAUL PIERCE(2008 NBA Finals MVP, remember??), Scot Pollard, and Raef Lafrentz on the same team and remember what happened to them? What about last year and the team he had then, which I might add is the exact same team as today minus Deon Thompson? I think Roy Williams always chokes because he always has the players. We shall see because I dont think UNC is as good as advertised, and I dont think they are that athletic of a basketball team.

1 comment:

Heyhomee said...

Kudos! Go To Hell Carolina, Go To Hell! Can't stand them Tarholes! :) Haha!