Monday, February 9, 2009

A-Rod Used Roids

So what, Roids obviously only helps your power because it sure as hell hasn't helped A-Rod any in the post-season, I guess when you use Roids and October rolls around your nuts shrivel up and hide. Thats what the case seems to be like to me, who cares he hit 47HR and 118 RBI's he only batted .218 or something horrible like that when he was in Texas and they only won 58 games, tell me how in the hell a person whose team only wins 58 games out of 160 wins MVP? To me A-Rod has been an amazing athlete since HS(he was the best prospect and the #1 pick in 1993), I dont know exactly why he would use them, he said "I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders while in Texas", no A-Rod that was evil stares from the good ol Texans asking, "Why are we paying frosted tips so much?"

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