Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Josh Howard-I Dont Even Have A Catchy Title For Him

How do you spell dumb, ignorant, and very conceited? Oh I think I just did, now I am not condoning that NBA players smoke weed, but I have absolutely nothing against it. Now with that being said, I don t understand how Josh Howard ratted everyone of his peers out by saying, "I use marijuana in the offseason, and alot of my friends in the NBA do as well."  REALLY?!? Wow Josh and then you get caught for drag racing in NC, and then then to put the cherry on things, you disgrace the National Anthem and give a bs half hearted apology, saying it was completely out of character. Um no Josh, you just got caught and now you are doing whatever you can to stay in Dallas, because we all know Mark Cuban is the best owner in the NBA. You are a great player Josh, do yourself a favor and hire a publicist or a manager to help rebuild your image.

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